Rappnet is a self-moderated discussion forum delivered to subscribers by email, serving Rappahannock County.
This website provides information on RAPPNet’s list-serv. For questions, please email RAPPNet’s Administrator, twoolman@ontargettek.com.
How to Join
RAPPNet is free of charge for the residents and homeowners of Rappahannock County.
To protect our members from spam (Junk Email) we ask that all new members confirm who they are. To join:
Send an email to twoolman@ontargettek.com stating your full name, connection to Rappahannock County (or surrounding area if you work or do business here), and what town you live near.
(Optional) To help keep your posts from getting stopped by spam filters, add these addresses to your address book:
rappnet-bounces@list.rappnet.org (list-serv emails)
rappnet-owner@list.rappnet.org (list-serv information emails)
twoolman@ontargettek.com (Administrator’s email address)
Visit the General Posting Information page for instructions on posting emails.
To Unsubscribe: Go to the bottom of the Rappnet Information Page, put in your email address, and click the Unsubscribe or edit options button.
If you can’t find what you need on this site, have questions, or need help, email RAPPNet’s Administrator at: twoolman@ontargettek.com .
The “user manual” for the Rappnet mailman software can be found here, in case you need help falling asleep some night:
You must subscribe to RAPPNet by adding your email to the RAPPNet list-serv database in order to send email messages to others registered with RAPPNet.
When you want to post to all the members of RAPPNet, send an email to Rappnet@list.rappnet.org and enter a subject line in your email like you would for any other regular email message.
RAPPNet used to have two sections of the list. One was just for local Rappahannock news, the other for all other subjects. In June 2020, the two lists were “re-combined” with the removal of the local list. Now, a post made on any topic and sent to rappnet@list.rappnet.org by a listserv member will be emailed to all members of the email list.
How Rappnet Works: All posts are sent to the same address: Rappnet@list.rappnet.org
Please use common sense in posting to the email listserv. We are a self moderated list, so you are your own editor. Tolerance of mistakes, good manners, and a touch of community sprit, will go a long way towards making Rappnet work well, and be enjoyable for all.
Rappnet’s Digest Version. You can reduce Rappnet’s sheer volume in your email inbox using the digest. The digest condenses Rappnet posts into 2 or 3+ emails per day, but can be a bit confusing to read with earlier replies included in posts, and discussions not in logical order. You can subscribe to the Digest Version when you sign up, in your Control Panel, or by requesting it from our Administrator. Personally, I think a better way to reduce your inbox clutter from Rappnet is to use Gmail from Google. See our Help page for more info on Gmail.
Things to check before hitting send:
Is my post addressed correctly? Sometimes email programs auto-fill another Rappnet address like rappnet-request@ or rappnet-bounces@ and your post disappears into cyber-space.
The correct address to send posts to is: Rappnet(at)list.rappnet.org (Replace (at) with @).
Am I accidentally replying to something that was sent to me Off-List, and I’ve mistakenly assumed it was sent to everybody?
(This is the most common reason for the “Stop-my-post” request. Sorry, that’s not possible.) Be sure to check before hitting send!!!
Are you replying to a thread (Ongoing conversation) that you haven’t completely read? Often somebody else has already made your point.
Have I read over my post to make sure it makes sense? Have I spell checked it?
Did I include the earlier post I’m replying to , so everybody knows what I’m talking about? Did I remove any unneeded text from posts far back in the thread?
Did I write something while mad, and I’m going to regret sending it later? (Use the old count-to-ten before hitting send method. If that doesn’t work, count to one hundred.)
Did I have a “few too many” while writing my post? Maybe you should re-read it in the morning before hitting send….
In short, check your posts over carefully to avoid mistakes. Then hit send.
The RAPPNet email attachment size limit is now 900 KB (it was previously ~280 KB).
Because so many of our members are on Dial-up connections, Rappnet has a size limit of 900 KB per post. If your post contains photos, or PDF files be sure that the total size is less then 900 KB. Remember that the email’s internal packet header text takes up some room too, so a post with a 900 KB picture will be just about 980 KB in total size. If you send a post that exceeds the size limit, it goes to the list administrator for approval or rejection as a spam protection measure so a list member can’t decide to “flood” the list with hundreds of megabytes of email attachments. If file attachments are just a little oversized then they are often approved, but please be mindful of attachments in general as many people are on low-bandwidth satellite internet plans or cellular network data plans due to lack of broadband access, and these types of data plans often charge steep monthly fees for exceeding data limits.
Many digital photos will need to be “downsized” to fit on Rappnet. You’ll need to use a photo editor to do this and there are some web based services that will do it free.
To manage your listserv account preferences or to self-unsubscribe, please visit:
This new website is always under construction and subject to revision.